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Website Development

A new site for students considering Queenstown

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The Problem

QLDC had a deprecated website for studying in the region. In order to present Queenstown as a serious study destination, this site needed a revamp as well as a strategy that more tightly aligned with the councils destination plan, particularly in regards to tourism.
Study Queenstown
Queenstown Lakes District Council

Our Process

Research & benchmark
Prioritise & Hypothesise
Design & Build
Test & Learn

The Solution

Design and develop a new website using the hypothesis that the best way to grow Queenstown's position as a serious study destination in New Zealand is to present study information simply, and make it easy for people to compare the study options available.
Study Queenstown
Queenstown Lakes District Council

The new site presents study information simply

We identified two clear audience segments to talk to; international and domestic students. We added clear navigation to content specific to each audience with the goal of presenting the wider benefits of studying in the region as well as addressing some of the challenges and limitations an international student might face when looking into studying in New Zealand.

Queenstown Lakes District CouncilStudy Queenstown

We made the content helpful

The customer journey for a student choosing Queenstown as a study destination is long. There's a lot more that goes into choosing what to study than the course itself. That's why we included information critical to a student living and studying in the area. The new Study Queenstown website features information on accommodation, transport, working and stories from student's who've all made the move themselves and succeeded in their study & career. This helpful content was critical to the projects success.

Prospective students can now compare, and understand the study options available

Finding the perfect course can be challenging when presented with so many options. The challenge was displaying the breadth and depth of options here, whilst also making the taxonomy and categorisation helpful and usable so that students can self select. This meant a focused on creating rich product cards and filters. The new courses page has scannable product cards so that it's easy to compare courses. This reduces 'pogo-ing' (where people have to go in and out of pages to make an informed decision). 

Design and develop a new website using the hypothesis that the best way to grow Queenstown's position as a serious study destination in New Zealand is to present study information simply, and make it easy for people to compare the study options available.Study Queenstown

International students are visiting the site

Following the launch of the site we have had engagement from potential students from several international destinations including USA, Canada, Australia, India, China and the Philippines.

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